EMAC Regioninė konferencija 2022


21-23 September 2022

Kaunas, Lithuania

Kaunas University of Technology

School of Economics and Business

Conference Theme:

Reshaping Consumer Centred Marketing “I Want it All and I Want it Now” *

The consumer has always been at the centre of business and social marketing. However, the technological transformation has reshaped consumer behaviour patterns and, as a result, is continuously rearranging the role of marketing. Significant changes in individuals’ lives and business environments encourage the search for new opportunities and approaches to strategic and tactical marketing decisions. This situation becomes especially essential in the Post-COVID World, where sustainable growth and sustainable consumption have become fundamental pathways of technology-enabled daily life.

More information: emacregional2022.ktu.edu

  • Paper submission deadline: 25 April 2022 (16:00 CET)
  • Early bird registration deadline: 8 August 2022
  • Regular registration deadline: 5 September 2022
  • Conference dates: 21–23 September 2022

For any further information you may contact the organising committee:


*Queen, “I Want It All”

21 rugsėjo d., 2022 - 23 rugsėjo d., 2022

KTU „Santakos“ slėnis (K. Baršausko g. 59, Kaunas)

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