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„ICEP-2018“ – 16th International Conference on European Processes


„The future of european union: political, economic and social challenges“

Following the tradition, Institute of Europe of Faculty of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities of Kaunas University of Technology organises International Scientific Conference

„The Future of European Union: Political, Economic and Social Challenges” – for the academic as well as public society and PhD students.

The Conference will be held on 27th of April, 2018 at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities of Kaunas University of Technology, Mickevičiaus str. 37, Kaunas, Lithuania

The conference aims to bring together members of academic as well as public society to present the newest scientific research results, to discuss about practical actualities regarding the future of EU’s  roles on the political, economic and social aspects. The political, economic and social security aspects are welcome as well.

  • Political, economic and social security aspects
  • Strategic choices for the political and economic stability in the EU
  • Aspects of common EU foreign security policy
  • Aspects of EU migration policy
  • Development of EU international relations
  • Climate change and sustainable development
  • Aspects of EU neighbourhood policy
  • EU regional development
  • New aspects of Social Evolution of Europe
  • Challenges of Managerial Systems in Europe

Language of the Conference: English

After double blind review, there will be suggested opportunity for papers publication:

Selected articles of high scientific quality will be considered for publication in the refereed journal European Integration Studies: Research and Topicalities. ISSN 1822-8402 which is abstracted and indexed by International Databases: Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI, New Edition of Web of Science); EBSCO (Business Source Complete)EBSCO (Central & Eastern European Academic Source Database Coverage List)EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS); DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals)EconBib Index (Economics Bibliography)Index Copernicus International. (ICI Journals Master List 2016. ICV 2016 = 79.8) ScholarJournalTOCsUlrich’s Periodicals Directory/ulrichsweb


Publishing possibility: selected, high quality scientific papers will be published in scientific journal  European Integration Studies: Research and Topicalities. ISSN 1822-8402

Papers should be submitted to the European Integration Studies: Research and Topicalities. ISSN 1822-8402 (registration is compulsory).


Registration and abstract submission 25 March, 2018
Confirmation of the abstract acceptance 28 March, 2018
Registration fee remittance 28 March – 11 April 2018
Final Papers submission 28 May, 2018 (after the conference)
Preliminary conference program 6 April, 2018



Requirements for the Abstract Submission (deadline –  25 March, 2018) Requirements for the Final Paper submission (deadline – 28 April, 2018) After the conference

The structure of abstract should be:

§  Title of the article

§  Full first name of the author and the family name

§  Author’s working place, address and e-mail address

§  Abstract of the article (about 3000 characters)


The abstract should present: (1) the purposeof the study, (2) the tasks (3) the primary methods used, including a brief description of the study design, (4) the key results that address the specific questions asked (including quantitative summaries or comparisons), and (4) the primary interpretations or conclusionsdrawn

§  Keywords (at least 5)

The page margins – 2 cm overall, Times New Roman, 10 pt for the text, single space between lines.

The abstract should be sent to:

The structure of final scientific article should be:

§  Title of the article;

§  Full first name of the author and the family name;

§  Author’s working place and its address, E-mail;

§  Abstract (about 1500 characters);

§  Keywords (not less 5);

§  Introduction, indicating the article’s scientific problem, novelty, aim, main objectives, object, research methods;

§  Text of the article;

§  Conclusions;

§  List of references (no less 25 of significant scientific works; DOI mark should be presented if the article has it).

The abstract should present: (1) the purposeof the study, (2) the tasks (3) the primary methods used, including a brief description of the study design, (4) the key results that address the specific questions asked (including quantitative summaries or comparisons), and (4) the primary interpretations or conclusionsdrawn

At the end: author affiliation: name, surname, scientific degree, institution, research fields.

1.     The author should submit an 8 – 12 pages long article to the website (registration is compulsory):

European Integration Studies: Research and Topicalities. ISSN 1822-8402

The scheme for the article construction is detailed in Guide for Authors or placed on the conference internet website

2. One review (the form will be send to the author), prepared by scientist should be provided with the final article as well.


Conditions for Participants:

Conference registration fee is:  100 Euro per one participant. If there are more authors but just one of them is going to attend the conference – conference fee is 100 Euro. In this case one package will be presented to the authors.

Conference registration fee will cover: participant package and badge, lunch and refreshments during the Conference.


Method of payment:

Conference registration fee should be transferred:


Bank: AB SEB

Bank code: 70440

Bank address: Gedimino pr. 12, LT-01103 Vilnius

Account number: LT387044060003104481

Account owner: Kaunas University of Technology, Donelaicio str. 73, Kaunas, Lithuania

Owner’s code: 111950581

Subaccount: SF5150000



Please mention as well:

Transfer purpose: EU Conference Fee Surname, Ko018

The bank transfer cheque should be sent by email:;

Please, inform if you need an official invoice in advance.


Confirmation letter about participation as well as a registration fee transfer you will get on arrival.

Travel and accommodation costs are not included.


Please, fill in the registration form. Please note that participants are expected to make their own travel arrangements and hotel reservations.

Confirmation and further information will be sent to the registered participants.

Registration form and other related documents:


For further information please contactassoc. prof. dr. Rasa Daugėlienė: e-mail:; Phone: +370 67011022


27 vasario d., 2018 08:00 - 17:00

KTU Socialinių, humanitarinių mokslų ir menų fakultetas (A. Mickevičiaus g., 37)

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