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Mark Brown „Higher Education for the Future: Digital Transformation at Dublin City University“


Lapkričio 7 d. 13.30 val.  KTU bendruomenė kviečiama į KTU „Santakos“ slėnyje vyksiantį susitikimą su Dublino miesto universiteto (Dublin City University) Nacionalinio skaitmeninio mokymosi instituto direktoriumi prof. dr. Marku Brownu, kuris skaitys pranešimą „Higher Education for the Future: Digital Transformation at Dublin City University“.

Daugiau informacijos apie prof. dr. Mark Brown ir jo pranešimą:


This presentation tells the story of digital transformation of teaching and learning at Dublin City University (DCU) in Ireland. It anchors this story in a long history of educational technology over the last Century and asks if digital learning is now the solution, then what is the problem?

In exploring this question the talk reflects on the rhetoric reality gap between the state of the art and the state of the actual, and then shares a number of recent examples of digital learning innovations at DCU, which are designed to promote a distinctive and transformative student learning experience.

Set against a strong institutional commitment to transformation and the infusion of new digital technologies throughout the curriculum, we discuss several lessons for other institutions seeking to more strategically and purposefully harness the potential of new digital technologies for teaching and learning.

Finally, the presentation reflects back on the original question and some of the even bigger challenges and opportunities facing higher education in such rapidly changing and uncertain times.

About Mark Brown

Mark Brown is Ireland’s first Professor of Digital Learning and Director of the National Institute for Digital Learning (NIDL) at Dublin City University (DCU). He was previously Director of the National Centre for Teaching and Learning at Massey University in New Zealand.

Mark is currently an Executive Committee member and Fellow of the European Distance and E-learning Network (EDEN) and chairs the Innovation in Teaching and Learning Steering Committee for the European Consortium of Innovative Universities (ECIU).

He also serves on the Board of the Irish National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. In 2017, the Commonwealth of Learning (CoL) recognised Mark as a world leader in Open, Online and Distance Learning and he was also appointed by the International Council for Open and Distance Education (ICDE) as an Global Ambassador for the Advocacy of Open Educational Resources (OER).

Mark is widely published and has played key leadership roles in the university-wide implementation of new models of Blended, On-line and Digital (BOLD) education. Mark is the chair of the 28th ICDE World Conference on Online Learning which will be held in Dublin in November 2019.

7 lapkričio d. 13:30

KTU „Santakos“ slėnis (K. Baršausko g. 59, Kaunas, 1 salė)

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