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Paskaitos ir seminaras su Dr. Y. Matsumoto / Lectures and seminar with Dr. Y. Matsumoto

Seminarų ciklas

Lapkričio 20–24 dienomis KTU MGMF viešės Dr. Yoshihisa Matsumoto iš Tokijo technologijų instituto (Japonija).

Lapkričio 20–24 d. KTU Matematikos ir gamtos mokslų fakultete profesorius skaitys Radiobiologijos paskaitų ciklą, integruotą į KTU Medicinos fizikos studijų progamą. Paskaitų tvarkaraštis ČIA.

Lapkričio 22 d., 15:00-17:00, 326 a. profesorius ves seminarą „Recognition and repair of DNA double-strand break: Molecular mechanisms and implications in medicine“. Į seminarą prašome registruotis e. paštu

Kviečiame aktyviai dalyvauti!

Svečias atvyksta kaip vizituojantis dėstytojas pagal ŠMM priemonę „Parama užsieniečiams, atvykstantiems dėstyti Lietuvos aukštosiose mokyklose“.


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yoshihisa Matsumoto from Laboratory for Advanced Nuclear Energy Institute of Innovative Research Tokyo Institute of Technology (Japan) is visisiting November 20–24.

He will give lectures on Radiobiology. Please find the schedule for lectures HERE.

I addition, he will hold a seminar on „Recognition and repair of DNA double-strand break: Molecular mechanisms and implications in medicine”.

The seminar will take place at Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Studentų str. 50, room 326, 3 p.m.–5 p.m.

We invite you to participate!

Abstract. Ionizing radiation is thought to exert its various biological effects through the generation of damages on DNA. DSB is considered the most critical among various types of DNA damages. Our cells have defense systems against DNA damages including DSB, such as DNA repair, cell cycle checkpoints and apoptosis. To activate these defense systems, the recognition of DNA damage is necessary. We have sought to clarify the properties and functions of DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK), which is one of DSB sensors.
I would discuss possible implication of the molecular mechanisms of recognition and repair of DSB in medicine. Deficiency genes involved in recognition and repair of DSB in impacts greatly at tissue, organ and individual level. Mice lacking these genes were reported to exhibit immune deficiency and defects in growth and neural development. Human patients harbouring mutation in these genes have been identified, showing related symptom. These genes are also considered promising target of anti-cancer drugs and radiosensitizers. Thus, understanding the basic mechanisms of DSB repair would bring us great merits on the diagnosis and treatment of wide range of diseases, including cancer.

Please register for the seminar via e-mail

22 lapkričio d. 15:00

KTU Matematikos ir gamtos mokslų fakultetas, Studentų g. 50, 326 auditorija

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