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„Synthesis of nanoporous thin films combining magnetron sputtering and chemical etching” (Nanoporėtų plonų sluoksnių sintezė kombinuotu magnetroninio dulkinimo ir cheminio ėsdinimo metodu)


Prof. Pierre-Yves Tessier, Polytech Nantes – IMN (France) lecture

„Synthesis of nanoporous thin films combining magnetron sputtering and chemical etching”

Nanoporous thin films are of great interest for various technological applications including microsensors and microbatteries.

This presentation will describe some approaches for the synthesis of such materials combining magnetron sputtering deposition and dealloying or preferential chemical etching which are developped at the Institute of Materials Jean Rouxel at Nantes, France.

27 balandžio d., 2017 06:00 - 06:30

KTU slėnis „Santaka“ A-231

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