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CSC Baltic kviečia į Webinar’ą

Verslas | 2015-01-23

Kviečiame dalyvauti pasaulinės IT paslaugų bendrovės CSC organizuojamame webinar’e, kuris vyks š. m. vasario 4 d., 15 val.  Webinar‘as bus skirtas Lietuvos ir Skandinavijos šalių studentams. 


Exclusive webinar for talented students –
4th of February  3.00pm CET

We would like to invite you to an interesting webinar about the Agile and Scrum development methods.

CSC is a Global IT Service provider undergoing very exciting organizational changes.
One of them is using agile development methods when running projects. It is a mind changing method for everyone working on projects!

In this session we will focus on Project Management and how Requirements Management, Interaction Design and Test Processes can be linked together simultaneously when working on a global project. The presenters will map agile development methods used in CSC’s global organization and present real project examples too.

At the end of the session you will be shortly introduced to CSC’s Graduate Program and how to apply.

Join the session to find out how amazing works here at CSC!

The webinar starts on the 4th of Feb at 3.00pm CET.

Don’t forget to register here!

The CSC Talent Team