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KTU Prof. dr. Darius Kučinskas skaitys pranešimą Stanford universitete apie lietuvišką muziką pianolai

Svarbiausios | 2015-04-14

Socialinių, humanitarinių mokslų ir menų fakulteto dėstytojas Prof. dr. Darius Kučinskas balandžio 17-18 d. dalyvauja Stanford universitete „Reactions to the Record ” simpoziume, kaip kviestinis lektorius (vienintelis iš Baltijos ir Skandinavijos šalių). Simpoziume profesorius skaitys pranešimą apie lietuvišką muziką pianolai.

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Lithuanian music for pianola: archives and its research // Prof. dr. Darius Kučinskas // Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania

The main collections of Lithuanian rolls in US and Lithuania will be discussed and the results of recent research on Lithuanian pianola music will be presented. Lithuanian rolls for pianola are unique in their origin and content. They fixed the musical life of Lithuanian community in US during 1916-1934 and significantly enlarged the collection of the first Lithuanian music recordings found in Thomas Edison Recorded Sound Archive (wax rolls) and The Library of Congress (shellac disks). There were issued c. 350 piano rolls with c. 400 tunes of Lithuanian folk songs and dances as well as first Lithuanian born US composers like Vincent Nickus, Jonas Žemaitis and Mikas Petrauskas. Lithuanian rolls were published by QRS, Connorized Song Words and US Word Roll companies most of all. It is still unknown who recorded Lithuanian rolls but some of them are arranged and played by Lewis J. Fuiks and one of the most famous pianist Sam Perry.

Today signicifant collections of Lithuanian rolls are held in US: Los Angeles (UCLA), Chicago (Balzekas Museum of Lithuanian Culture) and Putnam, CT (Lithuanian Catholic Academy of Science). These rolls were discovered and research on them was started only five years ago. Most of rolls were newly recorded on CDs (played by Bob Berkman), analyzed in an Anthology (2013) and described in The Complete Catalogue of Lithuanian Piano Rolls (2014). Now, when the most of rolls are recorded on digital data the new stage of its research starts. It is also important to note that Lithuanian rolls obviously present a very interesting process of international collaboration between musicians in US and reveal us the roots of XX century popular music.

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